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Home Dementia care

Dementia care

At Eleven Sisters we understand that regular routine and familiar surroundings are important factors when living with dementia. This is why we offer expert care to help elderly people comfortably stay in their own homes for as long as possible.

As their condition deteriorates, your loved one may need an increased amount of support. However, through still involving them in their everyday tasks, you will allow them to feel useful and may alleviate any negative feelings regarding their self-worth.

We recognise that the homes of our customers aren’t just buildings, they’re treasure troves, hosting decades’ worth of cherished memories. And when caring for someone with dementia, this continuity and consistency of environment and routine is absolutely vital. With our service, your loved one will be cared for by the same familiar faces, and you’ll get to know your carers too.

What is dementia care?

Dementia care can be provided for anyone who is suffering from any form of dementia, whether they are in the early stages or have had dementia for a number of years. Our dementia home care is provided by specially trained carers and is personalised to ensure that all the challenges associated with dementia can be dealt with.

Whether you just need someone to check on your loved one first thing in the morning and help with personal care or breakfast, or continuous live-in care to make sure they’re safe during the night, you can be assured that our fully-trained carers will be on hand to help whenever you need them. They can also assist with other areas, such as: Medication support | Helping with mobility | Facilitating hobbies activities, and social interaction | Preparing meals and tending to household tasks

Key Benefits

  • Remain living in the familiar surroundings of your own home
  • Maintain your routines
  • Proactive encouragement and support to continue living an enriched life
  • Complete emotional support for yourself and your loved ones

  • Eleven Sisters Community Support who have received specialist training
  • Better value for money than a care home
  • Peace of mind for you and your loved ones
  • Reassurance – regular reviews to make sure you have the right support

Call us to discuss your care needs - 0207 702 8547

"When you take care of yourself, you're a better person for others. When you feel good about yourself, you treat others better."

~Solange Knowles

Extra Care+

Household Support

Eleven Sisters is here to offer a helping hand. Whether it’s doing the dishes, the laundry or just getting dinner on the table, our care workers can be there to help.


Eleven Sisters believes that a person’s passion for living comes from the people around them. A core focus of home care is to build a meaningful relationship that can encourage socialising, happiness and independence. Our care workers are experienced in supporting both the mental and emotional well-being of elderly people and their families.

Medication Support

At Eleven Sisters we know that supporting the well-being of elderly people is a vital part of their care. That’s why our home help and nursing service assists them to stay on track with their medication, offering simple reminders of when to take them.

Specialist Care

Every elderly person is unique. Eleven Sisters understands that there are many conditions that can affect the mental or physical health of elderly people and we offer a number of home care and nursing services to help. Whether it’s aiding a elderly person after being in hospital or assisting with dementia care, Eleven Sisters highly trained professionals can offer help where it’s needed the most.

Health & Hygiene Support

A lack of mobility or ill health can be an obstacle for elderly people when it comes to their personal health and hygiene. Our care workers provide essential support from getting dressed to going to the bathroom.